Friday, November 26, 2010

Piece of Pie

Thanksgiving was really rather seamless without booze.  So again, I'll reiterate, I'm pretty sure I don't have a drinking problem.  Good for reason 1) I'll never have to face all the "anonymous" people I know at "anonymous" meetings, 2) I'm losing weight.  I think. I haven't actually weighed myself.  My point: no drinking problem= chance at being skinny (I really don't want to look like Tori Spelling).

Since Thanksgiving was so easy, I'm really wondering how the Christmas season is going to go.  Like The Christmas Party.  A Sabres' game.  Where beer and hotdogs and nachos never tasted so good.  Or The Christmas Party.  Where you can get any drink you want and more.  But let's think silver linings.  Maybe if I get caught on the Jumbotron at the hockey game it'll be my hips instead of my gut will be sticking out for all of the arena to see.  And there always needs to be a DD.  New responsibility!  I wonder what it'd be like....

And as far as The Christmas Party goes- maybe I can now just pull off a bolero jacket and a 3 carat diamond ring.  Less calories, more money, what'd ya say, Mr Incredible?  The sheer glamour of ME will take all the attention that a bottomless glass of amaretto sours would take.  And there always needs to be a DD.  Which is the realistic side of this.


  1. you are going to be the death of johanna, THE DEATH i tell you ;)

  2. Puh-lease. It's all in the crowd you're in. Me and Kiwi got real different crowds these days. And I'm doing the 30 day shred. I ain't dead yet, NikiD.

  3. but, the orville's christmas par-tay!?!

    different crowds? what, you hang with the hell's angels and kiera with alcoholics anonymous? sounds the same to me ;)

    30 days of shredding! does this come with a nutrition guide that tells you not to drink alcohol too? p90x did and mike sure as heck didn't drink for 90 days...or eat any sweets. stronger man than i!
